
He Who Dares LP

Theatre of Hate


          title: He Who Dares LP
   artiste/band: Theatre of Hate
   record label: Burning Rome Records
         format: 12" LP cover - 2 colour print
   release date: 1981 Sept

brief / approach

…I am very proud of designing the Theatre of Hate's ‘tragedy & tragedy’ masks logo - and for each subsequent cover or poster design I would rework & develop the logo's style - along with new process camera tricks for making the band name & title lettering unusual & more distinctive…


…this is a good example of what can be achieved when you're allowed the freedom to experiment and develope more & more abstracted & distorted imagery by re-using bits of previous cover designs in amongst newer ones - this was how the hand-drawn central Theatre of Hate illustrated figure from the Westworld LP cover was developed into the more abstracted collaged figure seen here...

 ... using the magical Process Camera*  which enabled me to combine  prevoius design elements with new hand-drawn line illustrations & hand-made textures and photo-mechanically create new altered graphic elements - that I could then collage together when making the all-important artwork* for the printers to be able to print my designs...

* please see this 'site's "Glossary' & 'Revealed' sections for explanations & further details...