
Theatre of Hate T-shirt

Theatre of Hate


          title: Theatre of Hate T-shirt
   artiste/band: Theatre of Hate
   record label: Burning Rome Records
         format: promotion T shirt - cotton, 3 colour print
   release date: 1981(?)
           misc: ...this was/is my T-shirt and I cut the sleeves off...

brief / approach

...the brief was for something bold & unusual - for a record company - that would catch people's attention - I ended up designing the Burning Rome 'logo' based on part of the illustration for an wonderfully wierd 1960's small ad for a 'Shrill' Pocket Alarm that, ironically, caught my eye - as you do... 


"Just press the button & be safe!" was the small ads' headline - going on to say:  SHRILL pocket alarm makes you feel safe anywhere.  SHRILL scares away all molesters, drunks, muggers, even vicious dogs with its piercing scream and summons help instantly.  Just press the alarm button when harassed.  The ear-piercing noise alone is enough to scare away the strongest molester !  No one should be without a SHRILL pocket alarm.  only £1 19s + 4 shillings p+p   (£1.95 + 20p p+p)

...surely the last word in unusual & the ultimate in attention-catching - how could I resist..?!